NAWBO provides resources that women need to grow their business!

August 3rd Joint Meeting with Goldman Sachs 10Ksb

Posted on: June 30 2017 | Posted in: Past Events
Thanks to everyone who attended our limited seating
2017 Women's Business Alliance Seminar
 Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Business 
The New Orleans Chamber of Commerce
Thursday, August 3rd
The Women's Business Alliance seminar & networking event will be an interactive session featuring:
Executive Coach, Andrea Picou
317 N. Rampart St.
New Orleans, LA 70112
" Advancing Your Negotiation Skills"
Bennett in the last 5 years assisting them during business trips to Brazil. 
GOLDMAN SACHS 10Ksb & The New Orleans Chamber
NAWBO-NOLA, along with the Women's Business Alliance of the New Orleans Chamber of Commerce and Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses welcomed Andrea Picou as the featured presenter for the August 3rd joint meeting.  Andrea engaged the sell-out audience with her presentation on Negotiations. She had the women in the audience truly engaged as she spoke, but she also allowed the members of the audience to break up in pairs for an interactive session of negotiations. It was both eye-opening and educational. 
As women, we don't always approach negotiations with a sense of power and therefore, we don't always achieve our optimum results. Andrea gave us a few "go to" formulas to turn our apprehension regarding our personal negotiations into preparation and success. She reminded us to be prepared with what we want and to approach any negotiation with a "win-win" attitude.
As the audience members paired up, we discussed an issue from both sides of the negotiating table through role-playing and used the powerful questions she provided for each role. It was quite a learning experience.
I hope you will join us in the future as we create programming that helps close the gaps on the things you need the most in your business. Make a point to open our monthly newsletters, as we strive to fill them with information that we hope you will find helpful as well as keep you abreast of what we have coming up next. We love to engage our members, so if you have any ideas for events or locations you would like to see, please don't hesitate to reach out. Until next time.....

National Association of Women Business Owners New Orleans

NAWBO-NOLA is proud to be the premier organization supporting and representing the interests of women business owners. New Orleans, LA